Dan & Debbie Boone
Cru | Stillwater, Oklahoma
Dan and Debbie joined staff with Cru in 1996. They served 6 years at Louisiana State University and then Dan became the Campus Director at Oklahoma State University. After 15 years Dan then became the Mission's Director for all universities and colleges in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and the top of Texas encompassing 540,000 students and includes partnerships with East Asia, Italy and Russia. Additionally, Debbie serves the Cru Human Resource Team that serves 6 states and helps to onboard new staff. They feel blessed to invest their hearts and lives with students, faculty, and staff to help them know the Lord personally and grow in their relationship with Him. They are tremendously grateful for everyone who partners with them!

Brandon & Jennifer Boyd
Cru | Stillwater, Oklahoma
We desire to see students’ lives changed as they meet God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that at some point while a student is on campus, they will be spiritually open and that right now, many are ready to hear the gospel and respond to Christ. The vision of Oklahoma State Cru is that every student on campus would know someone follows Christ. For the 20 years we have served with Cru at OSU, our focus has been to reach fraternity and sorority students and equip them to leverage their influence, leadership, and relationships for Christ. We dream of seeing thousands of students at OSU come to faith in Christ and leave our campus equipped—not just with a college degree—but with the heart, character, and tools to live missionally and make a difference for Christ around the world.

Joshua & Brenda Lei Casey
Arroyomolinos, Spain
Joshua and Brenda Lei Casey and their 4 precious daughters are church planters in the suburbs of Madrid, Spain, where less than 2% of the population claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Their city, Arroyomolinos, is not only the fastest growing city in all of Spain, but it also boasts the highest percentage of kids per capita. With no evangelical church, Joshua and Brenda Lei are convinced God would have their city reached with the Gospel. Passionate about evangelism, discipleship, and prayer, the Caseys are involved in ministry within their city, along the Camino de Santiago, and throughout other unreached cities across Spain.

Nick & Lisa
Deaf of Africa | Africa
Nick and Lisa, along with their four children Jacob, Jesse, Emma, and Faith have served overseas among the deaf of the world for the past decade. Nick, who was born deaf, served as a pastor in Oklahoma while Lisa has been involved with the deaf community as a friend, interpreter and social services worker. They were called to mission work as church planters among the deaf and worked in India before moving to West Africa where they have been for the last six years. They are now responsible for the continent of Africa and have begun work in north, west, and east Africa. God is moving among the Deaf of Africa and they feel blessed to get a front row seat to watch Him at work!

Brian Gilson
P28 Ministry | Stillwater, Oklahoma
Being burdened to reach the nations and equip others to do the same, Brian launched P28 Ministry. Previously, he pursued the Great Commission in the Caucasus through a series of short-term trips over several years. Brian now engages the international student population at OSU, working particularly closely with people from a Muslim background. The strategic nature of international student ministry provides opportunity for truly global impact. International students are typically away from family and support networks, and Brian tries to stand in as family, sharing the gospel through demonstration as well as proclamation.

Larry & Di Mathews
Wycliffe Bible Translators | Papua, Indonesia
Countryside and the Mathews have been partnering for more than a decade. Larry ministers through the duplication of the JESUS film into local languages and assists with the local Christian radio station. Dr. Di teaches courses at the Bible College and treats the medical needs of missionaries. Wycliffe Bible Translators is an organization that has helped bring God’s Word to millions of people across the globe. They believe fervently that everyone deserves access to God’s Word. Wycliffe has been operating for more than 70 years and helps people translate the Bible into their own languages. They completed their 500th translation in 2000. The Wycliffe vision is to have a Bible translation project started in every language still needing one by the year 2025.
Craig & Barbara Prather
Avant Ministries
Craig and Barbara Prather have humbly but powerfully serving God though Avant Ministries. Their primary outreach is to pastors in Cuba. The Prathers minister to Pastors and their wives in Cuba by facilitating several retreats during the year. The Seek First retreats help these couples identify neglected needs in their own relationships which is a profound help as they minister to the Cuban people in their churches. Within the past year, Craig and Barbara were able to identify two committed men to serve as coordinators for the retreats. Prayer needs for the Prather’s ministry include for increased basis resources in Cuba. On their last trip to the country, they found a scarcity of some of the more basic resources, caused mainly by a petroleum crisis.

Devaraj & Phoebe
South Asia
Devaraj came to faith in Christ as a teenager through Countryside’s youth group and continued to attend and be involved in various ministries at the church until he left Stillwater to attend seminary. For the last several years, he's been involved in revitalizing a local church, where he serves as the lead pastor. By God's grace the church is growing in numbers and health. As the church has become more stable, he's working to equip the next generation of leaders to plant and revitalize healthy churches across the country where they serve. Devaraj also teaches missions at a local seminary, hoping to inspire students to consider serving cross-culturally among the many unreached people groups in the area. Phoebe actively disciples and equips the women of the church to better serve the church.

Matt & Ashley Walton
Cru | Bologna, Italy
Ciao, we are Matt and Ashley Walton (as well as our 4 kids!). Having served students in Stillwater, Bologna, and London with vastly different needs and opportunities, we are excited to continue reaching the nations by serving again in Bologna, Italy. Home to the oldest university in the Western world (founded 1088 A.D.), there are 60,000 students at this historic university. Despite the rich history, very few follow Jesus, yet many are open to considering Jesus for the first time! Our desire is to help the team and local churches reach students in Bologna, and the surrounding region with the hope of Christ!

Rex & Gema Winn
Cru | Malaga, Spain
Rex and Gema Winn, along with her kids, Evelyn and Oliver, live in Malaga, Spain. They serve with Cru which is known in Spain as Agape. Gema is from Cordoba, Spain and Rex moved from the U.S. to Spain in 2000. In previous seasons, they worked with teenagers, college students, and pilgrimage walkers. They now serve 80 missionaries, most of whom are Spaniards, living in cities across Spain. They facilitate training and vocational guidance for new missionaries and provide pastoral care and discipleship for missionaries of all ages.