We want to equip you to impact your campus, rather than having the campus impact you. We're not scared of hard questions, and we invite you to bring them. We hope Countryside will be a place you can gather and invest your life while you're here — a place you can call home.
CollegeLife Service
Sunday Evening (August - April)
Set aside time each week for a home-cooked meal and a night of worship. Food is served at 6:00pm followed by teaching and worship at 6:30pm.
Upcoming Events
Dances, retreats, parties, trips — we like to have a good time.
Check out our events page and find out what's coming up.
Check out our events page and find out what's coming up.

Small Groups
Life is better lived in community. We're created for it, and a group of like-minded friends can sure make the stress of keeping up with college feel lighter. Groups meet just about every night of the week when OSU is in session, and there are summer opportunities too. Let us help you find a spot.