Loving Our Neighbors Well
One of our core values is that we would strive to matter in our community. These organizations are multiplying efforts and doing great work loving the people of Stillwater. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with them.

Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief
Volunteers are trained to provide services such as: mass feeding, mobile showers and laundry, chain saw debris removal, mud out, childcare, and medical assistance. When a disaster occurs (i.e., tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, flooding, etc.) officials in the affected state request assistance from other states. Disaster Relief volunteers are contacted and begin assembling responses teams. Advance teams are sent out to assess damage while Chaplains are provided for counseling of the affected individuals. Working closely with the Red Cross, leadership teams locate a church that can be used as a headquarters for disaster relief efforts. For more information or to get involved, please visit okdisasterhelp.org.

Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread exists to ensure that our neighbors in Payne county do not go hungry.
They provide client-choice grocery assistance and are set up like a typical grocery store. Our Daily Bread offers 17 shopping sessions a month - four days a week and third Saturday - to fight hunger in Payne County. They are affiliated with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. For more information about Our Daily Bread or to get involved please visit ourdailybreadstillwater.org or call 405-433-2555.
They provide client-choice grocery assistance and are set up like a typical grocery store. Our Daily Bread offers 17 shopping sessions a month - four days a week and third Saturday - to fight hunger in Payne County. They are affiliated with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. For more information about Our Daily Bread or to get involved please visit ourdailybreadstillwater.org or call 405-433-2555.

Pioneer Pantry
The Pioneer Pantry program helps meet the immediate needs of students at each Stillwater Public School campus by allowing community members to donate needed items to each campus, or by donating money online. This collaborative program unites Stillwater Public Schools and the greater Stillwater Community to provide needed resources for students in Stillwater. To find out how you can help, please contact Pioneer Pantry at 405-533-6450. You can also make a donation now by visiting stillwaterschools.com/District/Donate.

Stillwater Cares
Stillwater CARES exists to help people who help people. Working with organizations such as Countryside Church, they collectively address the prevention and alleviation of poverty in relational and responsible ways such as the Bridges Out of Poverty initiative and the Getting Ahead classes. Stillwater CARES specializes in coordinating strategic community alliances and synchronizing best practices so that the maximum number of people can be served with the available community resources. For more information, please visit stillwatercares.org or call 405-332-5533.

Stillwater Life Services
Stillwater Life Services offers crisis pregnancy counseling and support services. Through
services such as free pregnancy testing, counseling, limited ultrasounds, mentoring programs, and referrals for medial, housing, counseling, and financial needs, Stillwater Life Services is committed to help those with an unplanned pregnancy make an informed decision. For more information, please visit stillwaterlife.org or call 405-624-3332.
services such as free pregnancy testing, counseling, limited ultrasounds, mentoring programs, and referrals for medial, housing, counseling, and financial needs, Stillwater Life Services is committed to help those with an unplanned pregnancy make an informed decision. For more information, please visit stillwaterlife.org or call 405-624-3332.

Stillwater Mobile Meals
Stillwater Mobile Meals is a non-profit organization that delivers hot, nutritious noontime meals to the elderly, homebound, and convalescing citizens of Stillwater. The meals are delivered by volunteers Monday through Friday. The goal of the Mobile Meals program is to help people maintain their independence and continue to live in their own homes as long as possible. By providing nourishing meals and friendly concern, we strive to improve the quality of life for those we serve. For more information or to get involved, please visit stillwater-mobilemeals.org.